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Linggo, Oktubre 14, 2012

Power of the Positive Lightning

A Schleicher ASK 21 glider is a craft of elegance and poise. Its slim wings, seductively curved cabin and tapering fuselage embody a balanced design that moulds modern materials into flowing aerodynamic lines. On the afternoon of 17 April 1999, one such beauty soared gracefully above countryside near Dunstable, England, with an instructor and a novice pilot on board. The student had been given the trial lesson as a 30th birthday present. Although large storm clouds loomed nearby, at 1608 hours conditions in the immediate vicinity were calm and the air was clear.
At 1609 hours a fearsome force suddenly and violently shredded large sections of the glider. The instructor later recalled a “very loud bang” and a distressingly “draughty” cockpit. Dazed and briefly unconscious, he realised that “something was seriously amiss… requiring unpleasant and decisive action.”

By the time he vacated the wreckage–noting on his way out that there was no need to eject the canopy, nor any canopy–his student had arrived at the same conclusion. Witnesses on the ground observed a bright flash and heard a loud crack, and craned their necks to see a ball of smoke and fine debris hanging in the space where the glider had been. Below this, the remnant of a fuselage plummeted earthwards at high speed, with larger sailplane fragments fluttering behind. Thankfully two open parachutes were among them, with deafened and soot-blackened aviators swinging underneath. They were the fortunate survivors of a curious and powerful phenomenon known as positive lightning.

-Erwin A. La Madrid


My Best Friend 
Regina "Mata" Romasanta
   When we were 2nd year high school, she was really my crush but when I'm getting to know her I realize that she's not the type of a girl that will last if we've been into a relationship. And to be honest I'm so afraid that time to tell her about my true feelings for her,so she didn't know that I love her that time. Then we became friends but not already bestfriends. Just like other BFF's there, we started on a normal friendship until we finally became bestfriend. But sometimes we get jealous when there is other person or lets say lover that involved to us. Even her, she get jealous when I have a girlfriend when we are in 3rd year high school it's  more like a Mutual Understanding. I make her Happy She makes me happy, and in love problems we are opening with each other, there are no secrets between us. But of course there's a time that we have a quarrel or misunderstanding but for us its a challenge to our friendship. And sometimes she's crazy, but in a funny way.She makes me feel like I'm the best, so that's why I'm so lucky to have her my "BESTFRIEND."

I choose the Purple/ Violet color because its her favorite color.
thank you for reading my post :)

-By: Ignacio II, Faustino M.

The Pein and Nagato Mystery possibly revealed. 

The original body of Pain was a boy

 named Nagato  who, like 

Konan and (Yahiko) were orphans 


One night at dinner, Nagato cried

 because eating together reminded

 him of his family, and later that

 night he ran away with (Yahiko).

The two were attacked by a Rock

 chunin, who injured (Yahiko)

. Seeing this, Nagato activated his

 Rinnegan, and killed the ninja, a

 feat that is normally impossible for

 someone who has never trained as 

a ninja or never had any military or

martial arts training. 

This is the picture of the "Sage of

 the Six Paths" he was the only 

shinobi to possess the Rinnegan, let 

along the first. Now, in the article 

above says that Nagato HAS ALSO

 the Rinnegan, meaning that there

 HAS TO BE A 100% connection 

with the "Sage of the Six Paths"

 sice at said in the first article of 

info that "normally impossible for

 someone who has never trained as

 a ninja or never had any military or

 martial arts training" this was 

more than a natural power from 

Nagato but it was like a "given


Castillano, Amable Jr., L.

Rise of the Shadow ..

Assassin Cross of Sunset :

It was beautiful day in the City of Prontera, the sun was shining, and the streets were filled with curious adventurers. The merchants were shouting out to the adventurers, advertising their wares and capturing the attention of many. Priests could be seen singing holy hymns, healing those who are wearing and blessing them for a safe return from their journey. Falcons could be seen soaring through the sky; searching for their human companions. Outside of the southern gate of Prontera, novices were running about. Each one of them attacking the porings, lunatics, and fabres, hoping to gain enough experience to advance to their next jobs.

The air was filled with cheer, a bard and two dancers were entertaining the dilly-dallying adventurers of Midgard. Love was in the air, a knight could be seen courting his lovely priestess; they were the image of what love should be, pure and simple. Both parties being seen positively in the eyes of the public and such matrimony would be beneficial to society.

An assassin could be seen sitting in the shadows, her back leaning against the wall. A sakrat covering her head and a blindfold around her eyes, she seemed to be sleeping; it looked as if her guard was down. All those that walked passed her looked down upon her in disdain, for assassins were known to be cowardly, they hid in the shadows and sneaked around, slitting the throats of their unsuspecting victims, it was well known that they had no honour at all. She fingered the katars that lay beside her hands, it was rare for an assassin to allowed time for themselves. The guild always had missions for them, whether it being a political assassination, or the complete annihilation of innocent families. She sighed as the Song of Lutie drifted within the air, the song calming her soul and repairing the wounds that littered her body. She took off her blindfold, unweaving the bonds that held it to her head. With that her hair cascaded down, it had used to be a loving crimson, but in order to maintain her anonymity that is required of an assassin, the guild had ordered her to dye her hair a dull black. She eyed the two dancers who were giggling with envy.

If only she had chosen the path of a dancer, she would not have had to bear with the demanding work of an assassin. She would be able to live a normal life, one that did not contain the slaying of numerous innocent people. Her eyes drifted to the bard, her stern blue eyes were filled with a unrecognizable emotion. Every time that she had a break, she would always see that bard, singing with his lovely companions. Each chord that he plucked always struck a certain note within her heart. He was her light in darkness, after each mission she had finished, he would always be there, singing cheerfully, his music lifting the mood. His music was such a wondrous thing, it healed the sorrows of the heart, it filled the body with brimming energy, his voice always echoed within her mind for days, teasing her with its husky quality. She soon snapped out of her daze, seeing the two dancers move seductively towards the bard; after all, who would want a tainted being such as an assassin, when they have dazzling dancers and gypsies following their every movement.

Her eyes narrowed at the thought, the union between a bard and an assassin would never be approved, bards were created to love dancers, and assassins were to created to love none. She stood up and took her katars from the ground, ignoring the glares from those around her. Turning her back to the bard she stalked towards the gate of Prontera, all those in her path moved away, the human instinct to flee telling them to stay away from the dangerous female. She tied her blindfold around her eyes , once again separating herself from reality, hiding her emotions and maintaining a solemn facade. She did not noticed the longing gaze of the bard, nor did she notice the change in the tempo of his music, the tune of the "Assassin Cross of Sunset" rang out in the field.

- Esporlas , John Carlo M.

Night Take Rook

Engineers need to have faith in their designs, but not many would necessarily be confident enough to put their lives at risk just to prove it. It takes a great deal of faith to design a lighthouse for the most dangerous reef in the English Channel, especially when no-one has ever built a lighthouse on the open sea before. It takes rather more to actually build it. And one approaches the shores of hubris when one decides to visit said lighthouse with a massive gale on the way. But when Henry Winstanley, an 18th-century English eccentric, designed and constructed the world’s first open-sea lighthouse on a small and extraordinarily treacherous group of rocks fourteen miles out from Plymouth, he was so confident in his building that he blithely assured all doubters he would be willing to weather the strongest storm within its confines – a boast he had the chance to live up to when he found himself in his lighthouse as the most violent tempest in England’s history approached its shores.


The Story of Abbadon,Lord of Avernus

Once far away from any war a child was born. It was ugly and fat and nobody liked to be his friend. Yes, even his father, the king of this holy land, beat him up every day, just for fun…
When this child, called Eugen, become a teenager he fell in love to this beautiful girl. Her name was Lina Inverse. She was the princess of another kingdom. But the brother off him the brave omni knight, who was really cool and fought in many wars for the alliance of the kingdoms, also fell in love with her. Lina decided to marry the knight and not Eugen. Both kingdoms become one. But Eugen could not except the love of Lina and his brother. So he starts to fight for her. He sold his soul to the devil and Lucifer himself gave him the mighty sword frostmourne. The sword freezed his arm and his body died. But the great love of Eugen force him to move on. He starts to learn black magic to cast a death shield, which should defend him in the fight against his brother.
The kingdom was bright: There was peace for many years. But now a huge army of dead heroes under the control of Eugen the Lord of Avernus reached it. The army wanted blood. So they killed everybody. In every slaughter house was lesser blood than on the streets this day. Even Lucifer killed some poor people just for fun. Then after a long godlike spree he reached the main. “Now the one big fight will come!” Eugen thought. He screamed a last time until he attacked it. His brother appeared in his great shiny armor and his huge golden hammer glinted in the moon light. His eyes were watching his brother. There was no more brotherhood between them. They where opponents until they die. Eugen took his  word and stroke it in the air. A dark transparent shield surrounds his body. This was the item to defeat his brother. The fight of the two last heroes of this world started. The hammer hit the shield but nothing happened. Then the cold sword of Eugen cut an arm of his brother. But he fights on. But then in this historical fight Lina appeared a few meters behind Eugen´s brother. She was as beautiful as she was so many years before. In this few seconds another strike smashed against the shield. Eugen wasn’t concentrated enough to keep the shield stable. The bash of his brother was so hard that it was destroyed. All the damage the shield had saved was unloaded in the whole area. His brother died immediately. But Lina was damaged, too. She fell down on the green grass near a white rose. When Eugen saw it he ran as fast as if he charged her. His wounds bled strong. But his will where stronger. He fell on his knees. He asked god to rescue her. Nothing happened. “You can´t take her noooow!” he screamed. “Please take me instead of her!” He whispered slowly. Suddenly he remembered that he learned a cast in his childhood to heal his allies. But he never mastered it. It always let him get hurt after casting it. But he tried. He stroke his frost sword in the air and he cried: “I was a fool to trust in the light!” He healed her but his level wasn’t high enough to get invulnerability. He died for his fist love…
What an idiot

-Jeric Macapallag

Goodbye My Love

first of all i wanna thank u 4 taking good care of me.

its more enough to know how much u love me and how i really mean to yuo

im always here ti'll u find the right girl .i wont leave ,i will guide u

thank you 4 all the sacrifices you've done.

your always there to good and the bad times. your making me laugh when everything get tough.

this a farewell and gratitude to the man who shows mean to my life.

wipe your tears,i don't want to see sad in your eyes.

goodbye my love.